Ernie Francis

Claw Game

Claw Game Screenshot
Tech Stack:
Amazon Web Services
AWS Amplify
AWS API Gateway
AWS Code Build
AWS Code Deploy
AWS Code Pipeline
AWS DynamoDB
AWS Elastic Beanstalk
AWS Elasticache
AWS Lambda
AWS Route 53
AWS Secrets Manager

We're an online arcade! Play your favorite claw machines and arcade games from the comfort of your home.

The claw game was originally a plain HTML doc with a basic AWS S3 bucket behind CloudFront, the server was a EC2 instance running a WebSocket service on the backend and a Raspberry Pi acted as the interface between the actual claw machine and the WebSocket server.

I reached out to the site owner to offer my skillset in building the app up to a full-stack standard, I was invited to administrate his AWS instance and asked to author a React frontend, setup the github repo, build out the CI/CD pipeline in AWS and setup the Kanban board to itemize our backlog. I have also examined our consumption of AWS services, re-organized code snippets into PaaS resources and managed to reduce our operating costs by half without compromising in bandwidth.

The name of the claw game isn't lost on me, so to keep it professional:

[ foo-koo ] • adjective

Fuku (pronounced foo-koo) is the romanization of the Japanese Kanji for “good fortune.”