A Spotify-clone music app with features like playlists, audio player, shuffle, and more!
I took an online bootcamp where we made a Spotify-like web app hosted on Next.JS and styled with Chakra UI. We setup basic user signin/signup and added an array of royalty-free songs stored in a single playlist.
the Frontend is React Typescript with Chakra UI for styling and Next.js for server-side rendering and handling user authentication.
The app uses Prisma as an ORM to communicate with a postgres SQL database on a hobby Heroku Dyno.
I improved on my original bootcamp from here: I have coded the following features/improvements
- Fine-touched css chakra props to tidy up the final webpage
- improved the signin/signup experience with additional form options, data validation and added a custom /signout path
- Added E2E tests vis cypress to validate the user login experience.
- Randomized image placeholders - original bootcamp had repeating images of the same cat.
built and improved from the Frontend Masters Bootcamp :